People Are Tired Of The GOP Harshing Their Buzz, Man
Trump and Vance are going to be run over by the Kamala Express.
We’re armchair QBs watching the Game, so it’s likely we’ll never know what political maneuverings went down behind the scenes that led to Joe Biden stepping down as the candidate.
But, tbh, I love seeing the political ascension of Kamala Harris and the optics of seeing a growing coalition that is genuinely representative of what America looks like, not a B&W TV sitcom.
It’s a breath of fresh optimism.
Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) posted at 6:18 PM on Sat, Jul 27, 2024:
I think Republicans underestimate how many Americans are tired of the negativity. That’s why Harris’s candidacy of joy and pro-democracy competence is such an effective contrast against Trump and Vance’s weird, dark, vindictive authoritarianism. The choice has never been clearer.
And when Trump and Harris finally get onstage to debate, it’s going to be painfully obvious HOW GODDAMNED OLD Donnie is. Hey, turnabout is fair play, right?