People don’t like to see TV stars in big cinemas

Raihana Rahman Nazifa
The Shortform
Published in
Sep 29, 2021
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

TV series are like a part of life now. Some of the actors make a special place in our hearts. Unlike movies, we can connect to them very deeply as you get to see the character development in a lengthy way. But here is the trouble.

We get attached to the character so much that we just can’t see them in someplace else. One hot series almost goes up to 10 seasons. For ten years they are one character. So, naturally, it will be hard for people to accept them in another character like in a movie with a leading character. Imagine Sheldon in a rom-com love story. You might be thrilled to watch it but could you really accept it and praise it?



Raihana Rahman Nazifa
The Shortform

I endeavor to put together the scrambled words in a convenient story, for you to learn something new.