People Go Wild for These Lovely Leaves

Look for Anthuriums from Central to South America

JM Heatherly
The Shortform


Photo by feey on Unsplash

Find Anthuriums endemic from Mexico to Argentina and the Caribbean. Many live happily in tree bark under their canopies. Though, some grow in the soil. All parts of the plant are toxic.

They have a perfect flower — which includes both male and female parts. While people praise the Flamingo Flower for its inflorescence, most prize Anthuriums for their leaves. Prized characteristics include vibrant venation, lovely lobes, or stem color.

Many collectors grab at least one of these Aroids. They do well as houseplants, though certain varieties need specific conditions. Countless plant enthusiasts set up special Ikea cabinets to control their light and humidity needs.

Nomenclature: Anthurium sp.
Origin: South America
Light: Indirect/Dappled
Soil: Epiphytes
Uses: Ornamental
Notes: Toxic to animals

By JMHeatherly



JM Heatherly
The Shortform

(he/they) Edit, Garden, Hospitality, Music, Organize, Socialist. Finding gems to polish for you. https://www.jmheatherly.com/