People Should Send Postcards Again

Evan Purcell
The Shortform
Published in
Apr 24, 2024


A table filled with postcards
Photo by Becky Phan on Unsplash

The other day, I saw a rack of postcards in a local gas station. My town isn’t touristy at all, so I had no idea who would buy them.

But they got me thinking…

I miss getting postcards.

Excluding family Christmas cards, I haven’t gotten a real postcard in years. When my friends travel somewhere, they just post about it on social media.

Online messages are easier and faster. No postage required. But they’re not as special.

Wouldn’t it be great if we started sending postcards again? Just on normal days. Just to say hello or deliver a fun story.

I’d like to say that I bought one of my hometown’s postcards and sent it to a friend, but I didn’t.

Next time, I think I will. I want to start a trend.

Memoirs and Non-Fiction

14 stories
A burning fire against a black background.
A piece of paper that says “I hate George Washington” in cursive. Under the sentence is an ugly caricature of the president.



Evan Purcell
The Shortform

Evan Purcell is a writer and English teacher who has worked all over the world (most recently in Kazakhstan). He's working on his first feature film.