Perfectionism Sucks the Soul Out of You

“It becomes a prison that keeps you from fulfilling your potential”. Are you someone who’s stuck in the loophole of perfectionism? If yes, stay till the end.

Sagrika Oberoi
The Shortform
1 min readApr 9, 2024


Photo by Polina Zimmerman

I left Medium last year in February due to some mental health issues.

I’m back on the track now.

These days I’m challenging myself to write every day. The only thing I’m struggling with is perfectionism.

That self-criticizing voice in my head keeps judging each word I write with suspicion, and before I know it days pass by without publishing anything.

Seeking perfection in everything we do is simply unrealistic and unhealthy because in the process we lose the magic, the spontaneity. We miss out on the fun part.

we become so focused on being “perfect” that we even lose the required energy to finish the task at hand and that’s where procrastination creeps in.

To anyone who’s dealing with perfectionism, my suggestion would be to remember that there is nothing perfect in this world. it’s better to keep things moving than get stuck in perfectionism and do nothing.



Sagrika Oberoi
The Shortform

Researcher and writer, passionate about improving my life, Talks about personal growth, health, lifestyle and spirituality.🌸 connect-