Persistence is the Key

To get what you want

Patricia Rosa
The Shortform


The Medium experts write that consistency is the secret weapon for writing. But my friend Linda Kowalchek disagrees in her article. Instead, persistence is what it takes.

If you want to do what matters, then you have to show up every day. Not everyone can do that. Not everyone is as stubborn as I am because I don’t quit. So, don’t you quit either!

It’s okay to change it up when what you’re doing isn’t working. But quitting, not an option. We all go through phases in life. Sleepless nights with the babies, then it’s sleepless nights with the grandbabies.

It’s how you choose to remember those times. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. And you miss them. But you change with them, and hopefully for the better.

So don’t settle for consistency, be persistent, and do what matters.



Patricia Rosa
The Shortform

Blending boomer work ethics in an online world. Editor of The Workplace Journal and the Pet Cafe