Please Don't Stop Writing.

Remember why you started?

Nav W. 🧠
The Shortform
Jul 20, 2024


Photo by Faris Mohammed on Unsplash

Before writing anything else, I just want to say: I’m proud of you.

Heavy rain is pouring down outside. I can’t hang out with my friends, so I start journalling.

What had I done these days?

Writing. Writing. Writing.

Wow, nothing else. That’s right, just writing.

I document my world and let readers join my journey. My main purpose has always been to provide value and joy to improve your day. Isn’t that the whole point of writing?

What’s better is to help transform your perspective of life by my own words.

I think we all acknowledged the drop in reads on Medium. But that doesn’t change our purpose on this platform.

So, stop chasing views and stopping on trends. You are precious, your words matter and please DON’T STOP WRITING.

Thank you for reading.

Photo by Karol Smoczynski on Unsplash

‘Remember to wordsmith reality.’





Nav W. 🧠
The Shortform

Penning personal stories to foster your development as a person and writer, all while striving to enhance my own writing prowess.