Pleased To Meet You!

Day Ten of the Shortform Challenge

Melinda "Millie" K. Dooley
The Shortform


This is Holly. She likes to eat grass — she’s actually nearly as plant-obsessed as I am. Photo by author. Yeah, I took this photo — it may be the best photo anyone’s ever taken of HolDog. No big deal.

I’ve already introduced myself — and at least a cat or two — around these parts:

So, I’ll tell you what I do these days: I teach.

At my core, I’m a teacher. I’m currently a concierge educator, which means I freelance online. I teach/tutor everything from introductory microscopy for kindergartners, to basic skills for the SAT, GRE, ASVAB, whatever acronym you can throw at me.

The love of my life (sorry, spouse, but you know this) is teaching introductory biology.

Most of what I teach are tiny classes (under 10 students) or one-on-one sessions, so I can better meet individual needs.

Creating young nerds is really what I was put on this planet to do. All my hobbies are really just biology: microscopes, gardening, cats, aquaria… Let me help nerdify you or your kiddo!



Melinda "Millie" K. Dooley
The Shortform

Ms. Melinda Dooley is a lifelong educator and enthusiastic biologist, and has earned her expertise the hard way.