Productivity Without Context

Abdelrahman Elyamany
The Shortform
Published in
4 days ago
Photo by Remy_Loz on Unsplash

Walking for 15 minutes to free your mind is a productivity technique. But walking the same 15 minutes when you’re all over your plate looks like a great distraction for you.

Studying for 1 hour every day is productive. But studying the same one hour when you have projects and work to do looks like a great distraction.

Same acts. Different contexts. Different results.

Productivity, as a definition, differs depending on the context thus you need to spend time thinking about what it means to you.

Is it working more hours? Or is it working more focused hours? Is it the number of projects you work on? Or Is it the number of quality projects you worked on?

Without carefully selecting which metrics you’re using to measure your productivity, you’ll always feel guilty. Learning itself, although is a valuable act, can be a distraction.



Abdelrahman Elyamany
The Shortform

Entrepreneurial-Minded Graphic Designer | Presentation & Branding | Design + Business + Reflections (Daily)