Pros and Cons of Writing Short Posts

Pure and simple!

Ayoub Bouamri
The Shortform
1 min readDec 7, 2021


Photo by topcools tee on Unsplash

Writing on Medium has two flanks. It is enjoyable because you write about topics you love and exhausting because you must do this every day.

A Medium writer should write regularly to keep making money. If she stops doing this, her monthly revenues will decrease.

And here is where short-posts come to save the day.


  • People love reading them. Thus, they will drive immense traffic to your profile and previous articles if the readers like your style. Check the last part of this article for more information.
  • They are easy to write and don’t take much time.
  • They keep your profile fresh and updated.


  • They are not payable. Don’t expect to make a fortune out of them.
  • You will be obliged to forfeit some important parts of your post to stay within the 150-words limit.



Ayoub Bouamri
The Shortform

Top Writer on Medium. I will teach you how to use Medium like a PRO. I also talk about human rights, languages, and culture.