Regaining Control of Your Life

Taking charge of your destiny

Lucía R
The Shortform
1 min readFeb 4, 2023


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Do you feel life is just happening to you, and you’re not in the driver’s seat? I often do. This is your signal to take back control and steer your life in the direction you want it to go.

First, take a deep breath and acknowledge you’re the primary decision maker in your life and in charge of your happiness. Next, create a to-do list of achievable tasks and focus on completing them. Then, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. What are your goals and aspirations, short and long-term? Write them down and come up with an action plan.

It’s essential to remember you’re the only who can regain control. So, take the reins and envision your desired life. Don’t allow external factors to steer you off course, and never forget that every step, as small as it might seem, is fundamental. Good luck!



Lucía R
The Shortform

Enthusiast, writer, student, athlete. Welcome to my inner (in)sanity.