Row vs. Wade Overturned

Supreme Court Ruled

Frank Views
The Shortform


Row vs. Wade Overturned by the Supreme Court
Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

I think the decision to overturn Row vs. Wade was an excellent compromise. They didn’t make abortion illegal. They gave the states the right to enact their own laws.

Women still have a choice. They might only need to travel to a state where it’s permitted. No law would stand in their way.

However, some states may consider the rights of the unborn child, while others will focus on the mother.

I believe education should be included with any personal decision. The value of one’s own flesh and blood, a child that becomes your best friend, is usually overlooked when one’s sole reason for abortion is fear.

The only other reason to terminate a pregnancy is the result of rape, or danger to the mother’s health. That, I can appreciate, is a reasonable cause for abortion.

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Frank Views
The Shortform

Discussions related to matters of social awareness, life’s struggles, and controversial political issues that affect you.