Shedding the Old: Clothing Ourselves in Luxurious Newness

Jesus paid a dear price for it all so go ahead and wear it!

Cheryl Watson
The Shortform
1 min readJun 13, 2024


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Just as we put on a new outfit that fits us perfectly, we are called to put on the new self.

Displaying our New Self means letting go of what no longer fits spiritually. The clothes that once made us feel vibrant are reminders of a past self who is gone. Shedding the old self is like shedding an old layer of skin, freed to embrace our new self in all His glory.

Be mindful “Everything is permissible for me,” but not everything is beneficial. Whether it’s outdated beliefs, unhelpful habits, or toxic relationships, clearing this clutter makes room for growth and renewal.

Let’s discard what holds us back, embrace the present and step confidently into our new selves.

What in your life no longer fits you?

Identify and release it, creating space for the possibilities that align with who you are today.

The inspiration for this story:



Cheryl Watson
The Shortform

The Happy Christian. Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.