Shortform Review: Kamila Andini’s Before, Now & Then (Nana) (2022)

Gregorius Kohar
The Shortform
Published in
Oct 13, 2022
A shot of bizarre friendship between Nana and her husband’s mistress’ Ino in Before, Now & Then (Nana) (Source: Wild Bunch)

Living in turmoil times in the struggle for independence, Nana finally found peace after remarrying a 2nd husband. However, she finds herself still haunted by the loss of his husband and child, all while simultaneously trying to find freedom as a woman.

A period film, Nana seems to find its way of relating to contemporary issues of women in Indonesia. The voyeuristic positioning in the cinematography emphasizes the gaze of society; how women would never be safe from gossip.

The bizarre Kamila Andini script should be celebrated, as Nana, herself befriends her husband’s mistress Ino. Somehow, this represents a powerful symbol of united women in harsh conditions despite their rivalries. Through the charismatic performance of Happy Salma, Nana became a quietly powerful character study that not only represents Sundanese or Indonesian women. Rather, women in the whole world.



Gregorius Kohar
The Shortform

An ordinary man who loves movies and aiming to become writer. Writes: Short fiction | Reviews | Analysis | Thoughts