Show Me, Don’t Tell Me

Believing who they show they are

Tamara Woods
The Shortform


A woman with bangs looking into the camera with suspicion.
Photo by Davner Toledofor

“When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.”
Maya Angelou

It’s easy to fall into the trap of seeing someone for who you think they can be. Or what you’d like them to be. And ignoring the moments when they shake those beliefs that you’ve created.

It leaves your heart open to hurt and betrayal. If they say one thing, but their actions show you something different, believe the actions. This mindset has served me time and again. And it will serve you, too.

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Tamara Woods
The Shortform

I’m a cozy mystery writer, who writes some spicy things on the side. I’m be talking about the ups and downs in my writing world and what I’ve been learning.