365 Days in the Garden

Sipping Wine and Eating Salad

Things to do in your garden in June

The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJun 3, 2023


Salad from the garden in a planter. Photo by Author

This is the month when the days get longer until we reach the longest day. It’s a busy month in terms of catching up with what hasn't been accomplished yet and maintaining what was.

Whereas the spring is typically a time of heavy rains, June can be much dryer, so check plants daily and water as needed, especially if you are gardening in containers like I am.

Here are some other things you should be doing this month:

  • Pinch back any flowering plants that will benefit from it. Examples are fuchsia and chrysanthemums.
  • You can also prune fruit trees and pinch side runners on tomatoes now.
  • Start harvesting those spring salad greens and new potatoes.
  • Harden off (if needed) and then plant tender flowers and vegetables.
  • Keep on top of weeding. This is a time of rapid growth for all plants, including weeds.

In case you missed last month’s tips:



The Shortform

Writer, poet, gardener, life-long learner, warrior for children, lover of faerie, freedom, and joy. From a long line of badass women. She/her/hers