Someone Is Pretending to Be Me On Medium

Beware & report, please!

Chrissie Massey
The Shortform


Photo by Morgane Perraud on Unsplash

I signed on to Medium this morning and noticed someone replied to my story. I look closer at the user details and see my name, Chrissie Massey. I go to their profile, thinking that it's neat we have the same name. Sure enough, I see my profile picture.

This user has no posts and is following no one. They deleted their comment on my post: "Please connect with me on WhatsApp."

Chrissie massey is NOT me. It is likely a scammer who wants to use MY name to drive people to their profile and ultimately to their WhatsApp account.

Please report to Medium. I may change my profile image so that I don't get confused with this obvious loser who stole my account name and picture.

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Chrissie Massey
The Shortform

Spent my adult life writing online for many publications — both online & print. Now, I’m finding my voice, and sharing it with the world. she/her