Someone’s DNA is on My Sweater

I hope we both don’t end up on Dateline

Melissa Marietta
The Shortform


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Two things about me: I love to thrift and I listen to true crime stories, aka murder podcasts.

I’m picky. I won’t go to just any thrift shop or listen to all true-crime podcasts, especially the ones with women who drink wine and rehash stories they read on the internet using vocal fry.

I want legit reporting and quality clothing.

Sometimes these hobbies collide, like this morning when I pulled my new-to-me sweater out of the dryer and noticed an unrecognizable stray hair on the arm.

As I thought, “Ewww, gross!” using my internal vocal fry voice, I also thought, “What if someone kills me and they pull the DNA from this hair and try to arrest the poor person who donated this nice sweater to the thrift shop?”

It could happen.



Melissa Marietta
The Shortform

I am witty, sarcastic, and always honest. Top Writer in Parenting & Feminism. Marriage | Relationships| Mental Health| Humor| Body Image| Disability