Spell My Name, Spell My Name

Even in emails, good manners and first impressions are lasting.

Denilee De Leon
The Shortform


Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Have you ever been called a different name in an email? I have been called many different names — Danielle, Dennis, Denise, Jen, Demi-lee and even Senile! I appreciate that I have an unusual name but it’s not a good enough excuse especially when the spelling of my name is on my email address.

From this, I learned a few things:

  1. Write the greeting last, less chance of spelling their name incorrectly.
  2. Double-check the email before sending it out no matter how busy you are.
  3. Attention to detail is important if you want to make a lasting impression.
  4. People make mistakes, if you do, send an apology email straight away or recall the email if you can.
  5. Don’t ignore your mistake thinking the other person won’t notice, they do.

To sum up, taking the time to learn someone else’s name shows respect, inclusion, and kindness.



Denilee De Leon
The Shortform

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