Spotlight On PTSD, The Painful Insider Information You Need to Know


Image created by the author in CANVA.

Mark Goulston MD, pointed out that, “… unlike simple stress, trauma changes your view of your life and world”

PTSD can become extremely debilitating to those experiencing any of its symptoms, due to unpredictability, and alarmingly real nature of flashbacks that can be experienced, at any given time.

1 in 10 people in the UK are expected to experience PTSD at some point in their lives.

In the UK, that’s around 6,665,000 people who are expected to develop PTSD or C-PTSD at some point in their life.

ptsduk. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder stats and figures.

Yet, whereas there appears to be much data on the prevalence of PTSD, I cannot accept these results as entirely accurate, given that PTSD in its own right comes about as a result of personal, or social traumas.

That’s like saying only so many people will ever go through trauma.

What do you think?



Jonathan Townend, RMN - Editor - Friend of Medium
The Shortform

Psychiatric Nurse Writer. Owner of Creative Passions, The Shortform, No Shame, World of Fiction publications, and co-editor for The Chocolate River.