Start Your Tomorrow Today — The Subtle Trick I Learnt From My Mother

In hindsight, it all made sense


Photo by Hillshire Farm on Unsplash

Ise go wuoche rangi?

My mother barked.

Translated, it goes:

Have you brushed your shoes?

That was over 20 years ago.

She always insisted I brush my shoes the night before a school day. Additionally, I needed to have my school uniform ironed and ready.

She ensured I got ready for tomorrow today.

By starting your tomorrow today, you bypass the delays of decision-making tomorrow.

Time is precious. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

It’s a trick I’ve found extremely useful. It helped me get enough sleep during my internship year — the year after medical school where sleep is the most deprived aspect of your life.

In writing as in my other routines, I plan tomorrow today.

Borrow tomorrow’s time today, to have more time tomorrow.



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