Stepping Beyond the Familiar: Embracing Change

The Shortform
Published in
1 min readAug 17, 2024
Photo by Alexas Fotos:

Leaving the comfort of my country and starting fresh in North America was a huge change for me. I’d never left the shores of Nigeria, so this move felt massive. But as they say, “All’s well that ends well.

Change is scary — there’s no denying that. But taking that leap can transform your life.

Have you ever faced a decision where stepping forward meant leaving your cozy bubble behind? We all hit those moments when we have to choose: do we take that next step, or do we stick with what we know?

Staying with the familiar is comforting, but believe me, if you don’t take that step when the time’s right, regret might creep in later.

Is there a decision you need to make in your life right now that could shake up everything you’re used to? Sometimes, it’s the tough choices that push us to grow the most.



The Shortform

I am a content writer and food lover. I write about marketing, motivation and stuff I love. You can reach me at