Sunday Morning Blues

Every week, without fail.

Sara Ali
The Shortform


Photo by James Wheeler from Pexels

Most of us have experienced this. In fact, most of us are more than well acquainted with this.

That’s right, it’s the sinking feeling that we get when we wake up on Sunday morning knowing that we have less than 24 hours of freedom until we go back to work/school tomorrow morning.

It promptly takes the pleasure out of waking up to a day of relaxation and is the feeling that brings up right back to reality with a thud.

The skill of allowing oneself to enjoy the present is sadly a skill that I evidently haven’t perfected just yet. It’s a work in progress, I must admit. But a skill I’m excited to hone so I can begin to fully enjoy my Sundays.

Have you found a way of working through the Sunday morning blues?



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