Taking Your Life To The Next Level

Charles Hamm
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readNov 23, 2023
Author photograph.

Learning to appreciate, in the “now,” is a wonderful way to live. However, our minds can become so cluttered that we fail to notice the moment-to-moment things for which we should be grateful and the joy we could know at the time.

So many people I know have no shortage of dreams, but they are vague, and they seem to lack one essential quality that gives them any chance of success. SELF-DISCIPLINE.

Self-discipline will take your life to a higher, more meaningful level. It is self-control. It is self-restraint. It is willingly deferring the temptations of the “now” for something that is more important to you. The good thing is that it is a choice YOU make.

Enjoy each day but know that tomorrow will come.

Take it by the horns: rein yourself in.

Living in the now must not mean squandering away tomorrow.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Charles Hamm
The Shortform
Writer for

Author of 'Ponder on It, Pilgrims' at charleshamm.com. 3X # 1 International Bestseller. https://linktr.ee/charleshamm