Tasting Life Twice

The power of storytelling

ArtisKev N.
The Shortform


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Anaïs Nin, a French-born American diarist, essayist, and novelist, once said:

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.

Indeed, the power of storytelling lies in its ability to make your legacy discoverable by future you and others.

One day in the now, you can tell it is raining. But when you look back, it is the feeling of being rained upon that you want to tell your audience. That’s how we come to live and connect.

That is why many readers love Medium. Writers here are incentivized to tell well-crafted stories that relate, engage, and inspire.

And readers come here to hear stories from those who have stood up to live and now sit down to write.

Recently, Medium staffers honored their 32 favorite stories of 2023:

But, don’t we all have great stories to tell? What makes these stories appealing to Medium?



ArtisKev N.
The Shortform

Immigrant | Undergrad | SAD Survivor. Entering my 20s with no friends while trying to make sense of this foreign land, I find my voice and comfort in writing.