That’s A Bummer! The Next Big Pub Closed Its Doors

No wonder! The reason is very relatable!

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


Writer’s Blokke on Medium closed its doors.
Photo by Marco Bianchetti on Unsplash

This publication was one of the first I submitted my pieces to when I started writing on Medium in December 2020.

Back then, it had around 5k followers.

Fast forward to today, it’s close to hitting 14k followers.

It belongs to the fastest-growing pubs on this platform.

Unfortunately, this pub isn’t open anymore for new submissions.

The owner Benny Lim decided to close his pub Writers’s Blokke for new writers.

My first reaction, when I heard about this news:

Yes, it’s a bummer but the reason why is so very relatable.

I agree with Benny, editors donate their precious time to support thousands of writers voluntarily. It is not an easy job. The workload is heavy.

It’s a pity, but more pubs will close its doors soon.

Read on to learn what you can do to prevent this from happening!



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

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