The Alchemy of Luck: Forging Your Own Luck through Skillful Preparation and Positive Vision

Emmanuel Wambugu
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readMay 17, 2023


Photo by Jan Demiralp on Unsplash

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity — Seneca.

Today’s quote from the world’s most famous stoic, Seneca, reminds us that we make our own luck by being prepared for the opportunity we may or may not be waiting for.

How do we prepare?

We prepare by honing our skills, by grinding ourselves against the whetting stone one day at a time while still caring for our well-being. So that when fortune finally arrives (and it always does to those sufficiently prepared), it finds us well.

Health and well-being, for this reason, must always come first.

It also means keeping our eyes open to opportunities by fostering positive, realistic expectations of what those opportunities might look like. Finding the silver lining in every dark cloud might be just what it takes to turn bad luck into good luck.

The difference, then, between the unlucky and lucky might be in this perspective.



Emmanuel Wambugu
The Shortform

Professional wildlife stalker, obsessive grass fondler, and dedicated pen pusher.