The Case With Education And Dialogue

Navigating real-world discourse

The Shortform
1 min readFeb 15, 2024


Two Lawyers Conversing (1808–1879) by Honoré Daumier [Public Domain]

When encountering words from academia, such as those from political candidates with a history of a career in academia, people tend to be more distrusting. People seem to treat intellectual words as inaccessible musings. Why?

Perhaps people are pragmatic. They respect the ideas that are tools to achieve immediate goals such as medical treatment and state aid. But does it ever occur that perhaps it’s the consequence of education?

Academia regards the pursuit of knowledge as important for its own sake. While in reality, many struggling people value accessible actions and goods more because it’s the utmost of their interest. Because these people have lives to live, and life doesn’t wait until the end of educational pursuits.

If intellectuals aim to connect with poor people, there should not be intellectuals and poor people. There only needs to be people. Because then again, one can only converse with those like oneself.



The Shortform

If I write what I feel, it's to reduce the fever of feeling. What I confess is unimportant, because everything is unimportant. - Fernando Pessoa