The Color of Lies

Michele Coleman
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJan 4, 2022


Truth and Lies words with scissors in middle
Truth and Lies words with Scissors, Deposit photos

After looking up the meaning of white lie I read there’s actually a color spectrum for lying.

A spectrum for different types of lies, who knew?

As it turns out, the most common are white lies which carry the least amount of dishonesty.

Gray lies are somewhere in the middle of harming others versus minimizing harm to ourselves.

Black lies, the opposite of white lies, aim to harm others while protecting ourselves.

The worst are red lies which are all about spite and revenge.

I, for one, have no issue with lying if it’s for a reasonable cause. As I’ve gotten older, I lean toward lying less often but choose instead to omit or not share something versus worrying about being found out later.

Some might say omission is like lying, to which I say: Not sharing can be deceptive, but it’s definitely not a lie.



Michele Coleman
The Shortform

Freelance Writer + Author; Sharing a little wit and wisdom with moderate bite, back sass, resistance and sarcasm.