The Dichotomy Of Waterproof Trousers

Thoughtful cognitive dissonance from an everyday item.

Dr Stuart Woolley
The Shortform


“Image generated using OpenAI’s DALL·E.”

I walk regularly, every morning in fact, which is something of a challenge being as I live on the West coast of Ireland with its pretty much continual wind, regular rain, and often towering walls of water descending on the coastal path.

So, naturally, when I know that there’s a good chance it’ll rain, having canvassed Siri, Apple Weather, Met Éireann, and Windy (it never hurts to be sure), if the clouds look even slightly dark I don my waterproof jacket and trousers (and shoes, but they rarely work).

All that aside, you know what really concerns me?
Do I need to wash my waterproof trousers?
And, if I did, won’t the fact that they’re waterproof prevent them from actually getting a wash anyway?

I spent the whole hour of my walk this morning pondering this question.



Dr Stuart Woolley
The Shortform

Worries about the future. Way too involved with software. Likes coffee, maths, and . Would prefer to be in academia. SpaceX, X, and Overwatch fan.