The Dream

Karen Kenny
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readOct 4, 2023
Photo by Eduardo Drapier on Unsplash

I dream I am drowning
Being swept away by a wave
The ocean pulling me under
Battering, torturing me

As I tumble into its grasp
Forced into submission
I struggle, I gasp
I can’t breathe

Then it releases me
Teasing me
Leaving me to flee
Away from my anxiety

Just when I think it’s over
It seizes me again
Taking me under
It has won

Tired, wanting it to end
I stop struggling
Stop trying to pretend
That I will ever be free

Looking up I see
A light above guiding me
Using the last of my strength
I ascend from the water´s depth

Moving towards the light
I am finally free from its grasp
Swimming towards the shore
Shaking, panting,

Waking up, my heart beating too fast
I don’t go back to sleep
Knowing when I sleep again
I may dream again

Closing my eyes, I shudder



Karen Kenny
The Shortform

From New York, residing in Paris. Using minimum amount of words to tell a story or poem.