The Elegance of Brevity

Say more with less

Ani Eldritch
The Shortform
20 hours ago


Art Lasovsky took this close-up photo of a gold fountain pen.
Photo by Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

As I squinted at the bleak, endlessly scrolling screen, I realized that the tyranny of length had shackled my creativity.

With their elaborate machinations and convoluted twists, full-length narratives seemed almost quaint now.

Why not distill, refine, and embrace the sharp precision of short form?

This wasn’t mere reduction but liberation – a stripping away of the superfluous to reveal the raw essence.

In my new enthusiasm, each sentence became a miniature revolution, each word a carefully chosen soldier.

The satisfaction of achieving profundity within constraints was intoxicating. Every fragment and snippet felt like a rebellion against the verbose hegemony.

The ultimate epiphany? Freedom isn’t in the expansiveness but in the elegance of brevity. Thus, the liberator’s paradox is to say more with less.



Ani Eldritch
The Shortform

I am a writer/poet and Gen Z New Yorker. My publication is The Dapper Owl. Jazz inspires me. Earl Grey tea and Thai food keep me going. Welcome.