The Gift of Other Worlds in ‘The Overstory’
Neelay is eleven when his accident leaves him disabled. He has already spent years with a single-minded focus on creating and expanding digital worlds, sensing their limitless potential.
Powers explores how this passion impacts Neelay’s capacity to accept and adjust to his physical immobilization. It clearly plays a part.
He is itchy and uncomfortable in the hospital, wishing he could at least wriggle his toes. But he’s puzzled by the devastation he sees on his parents’ faces.
“He has lived for years in a place of his own devising. The thought of countless good things passing out of his life doesn’t quite occur to him. He still has that other place, the heaven in embryo.” (Richard Powers)
He wants to comfort his teacher when tears well in her eyes.
“It’s not the end of the world. No crucial world anyway.” (Richard Powers)