The Harsh Reality of Business

Abdelrahman Elyamany
The Shortform
Jun 1, 2024


Many of us don’t accept that we’re responsible for all the results our business gets. Of course, there are outside factors that we can’t control, yet reacting to them and dealing with them is still incumbent on us.

And many of us don’t accept that we might not be as valuable as we ought to think. We just didn’t have that knack to do something masterfully, or we didn’t enough effort to be a master at it.

It hurts to acknowledge that harsh reality, your business mirrors you, your personality, your thinking, your behavior, and your value.

But as soon as you acknowledge that reality, the easier it becomes to level up your business game. Because now, you understand where the problem is, unlike before. The problem is within you.



Abdelrahman Elyamany
The Shortform

Entrepreneurial-Minded Graphic Designer | Presentation & Branding | Design + Business + Reflections (Daily)