The Hope That Grows From A Crushing Realization

Matt Legg
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readMay 25, 2022


Photo by Faris Mohammed on Unsplash

I want to do more with my life, I need to do more. I still have time, things can change at any moment, and our lives could change overnight.

I have to have a plan and keep working towards it.

I don’t have to be like everyone else, or do what they do. I have to be myself and live my life, but also do more with my time on earth.

Take some time to figure out who you are, what you love, and how you want to contribute to life.

Then go for it.

The world is tired of waiting around for you, get up and make it happen.



Matt Legg
The Shortform

I write about Life and my journey of self discovery. Hopefully it will help you too.