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The Jetsons was a classic cartoon series that followed the lives of a family in the future. The show was set in 2062, and it portrayed what life would be like for people living in that future time. George Jetson and his family lived their best life working only two hours a week.

My mind begins to fantasize about all of the things that I would do if I had a life like the Jetson’s and owned a robot to handle all of my domestic responsibilities.

Here’s a list of the things that I would do more often:






Leisure Activities

Explore New Things

Here’s a list of the things that I would do much less, if at all:




Work a 9–5

I will be 90 years old in 2062; having a robot would significantly add to my quality of life.



Jennise B. Wandering to Wonderful
The Shortform

A lover of words. I like to write content that helps individuals and businesses improve outcomes. Self-Published Author. https://amzn.to/3HK4W5n