The Lantern

Becka Lynn
The Shortform
Published in
Oct 10, 2021
Man in mountains holding lantern at dusk. Becka Lynn
Photo by Silviu Zidaru on Unsplash

It was cold. Lifeless. Dormant. Dead. All his life, the man was told this lantern would illumine the darkness, and yet, it did not. He never took it off the shelf. What good would it do? It was just as dark as the world around him. He wished it burned bright with everything inside of him. Yet it remained black. His hope withered in his chest.

Until… her.

He couldn’t see her well, wrapped in shadow as he was. She glided upon quiet feet and took his lantern to herself. She placed something inside and golden light blazed forth!

Brilliant and blinding, his eyes filled with tears at the glory. He could see. She was beautiful! But she couldn’t stay, though she deeply wanted to.

Lifting the lantern, he looked within and caught his breath at what he saw.

Her radiant diamond heart.



Becka Lynn
The Shortform

Christian, copywriter, author, editor. Lover of Christ, cats, coffee, and cozy blankies.