The Pandemic Brought Out The Inevitable In A Lot Of Families

The cracks that weren’t visible beforehand have now opened up.

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


The Pandemic Brought Out The Inevitable In A Lot Of Families; Kristina God; Wedding photo created by yanalya

Do you find yourself confined and overwhelmed too?

The pandemic has been disruptive. Families have found themselves in abnormal circumstances.

  • Being stuck in their apartments/houses, which puts strain on anyone.
  • Adjusting to living every day with a usually absent spouse.
  • Parenting all day — every day.

Parenting 24/7 is significantly different from a morning and evening routine with just mom or with a fun weekend with both parents.

In many marriages, the cracks that weren’t visible beforehand have now opened up and repairs may be necessary to prevent complete collapse. But too many choose to ignore these cracks💔.

Many believe the end is in sight. But will the couples concerned cancel their wine club and return to their ‘usual routines’?

If only this story was more unusual than it is💔:



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I YouTuber⚡Join my Online Writing Club: