The Simple Reason You Should Read Every Day

The Shortform
Published in
Oct 17, 2021


Person reading a book in a bathtub
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Since the dawn of time, people have been reading. It’s an important activity that can provide numerous benefits and values to the reader.

Reading not only transports the reader to a different world, but it also shows the different views and perspectives of the world through its characters. What’s more, reading daily rewires the mind of the reader and increases their brainpower as well.

Here are a few more benefits of reading:

  1. Reduces stress
  2. Improves vocabulary and brain connectivity
  3. Increases focus and attention span
  4. Makes you more emphatic
  5. Helps you to relax and sleep better

So go ahead and pick up a fantasy series, or perhaps a short story for the train ride. Maybe a memoir or a non-fiction book.

Regardless of the genre, there is something for everyone. Pick a book and start reading today.

