The Three Types Of People

Which type of person are you?

Mich Chow
The Shortform


Photo by Andrew Moca on Unsplash

There are generally three types of people in the world.

One, those who like people and love being surrounded by them.

Two, those who dislike people and would go on solo fishing trips just to avoid talking to anyone at all.

And three, those who tolerate people. Oh you know, these are the people who ask “how are you?” just for the sake of asking. They then proceed to be busy on their phone without waiting for your reply. We’ve all been that person at least once.

So, the challenge would be to decide which type of person you want to be in any given circumstance, how much capacity you have for human connection at any given point in time, and of course, who exactly these “people” are.

Me? I’m mostly a type two person, especially on new year’s eve.



Mich Chow
The Shortform

An ex-coffee binger and a recovering procrastinator. This is where I process my curiosity.