The Top 9 Habits Of Happy Couples

simple, yet underrated

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


Love photo created by standret

The book ‘The Normal Bar’ summarizes the results of the most extensive survey of romantic relationships of all time.

It’s based on data obtained from nearly 100,000 people in 24 countries.

What are happy couples doing differently?

  1. Say I love you to their partner every day and really mean it.
  2. Kiss their partner passionately for no reason at all.
  3. Make cuddling together a priority.
  4. Make sex life a priority and not the last item of a long to-do list.
  5. Give surprise romantic gifts.
  6. Have (weekly) romantic dates and take romantic vacations together.
  7. Are affectionate to their partner in public, by holding hands.
  8. Keep being playful and have fun together.
  9. Stay good friends.

Tell me your thoughts!



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

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