The Way the Sea Roars

Inspiration for those who need help overcoming fear

Hakeem Gunn
The Shortform
1 min readJan 9, 2023


Deep blue ocean waves with a plume of sea foam atop them
Photo by Michael Olsen on Unsplash

The way the sea roars, she tells a tale

Of sailors brave and sailors plenty who would soon be sailors dead and sailors empty

The sea would have her way no matter the will of man

No matter the will of the one who believed they were a match

The sea roared, a sound so terrible it bordered beauty

A tune so menacing that the whispers would elude me

But not on this morn, no, I could hear the calm within the storm

The sea beckons a newcomer on

She called to me, to best her waves, to explore her depth

To see her for her beauty and give her power respect

There were treasures to be found, riches that couldn’t be explored if I stayed in the harbors

The sea roared once more, and with a grin, I dove into her waters

