The World Is Moving Towards the 5th Dimension of Consciousness! Are You Joining In?

Let me tell you what characterizes the three different dimensions!

Cafe Spiritualista
The Shortform


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Most of us on planet Earth can currently be found in the 3rd Dimension of Consciousness, which is characterized by;

  • Separation
  • Density
  • Lower vibration/less energy
  • Prejudice
  • Lack
  • Not being good enough
  • Fear and suffering

To get things done we feel we need to coerce, manipulate, control, and be generally forceful.

The 4th dimension could be described by the following points;

  • Not only body-mind
  • Spirituality as help
  • Attempt to heal/improve
  • Focus on manifestation

People don’t feel complete or worthy, there is still the fear of lack — but new fixes for it.

The beautiful step is to the 5th dimension — this is what we get;

  • No lack of energy
  • State of pure love, ease, and effortlessness
  • Knowing yourself as God
  • Manifestation is easy
  • Abundance, harmony, and well-being

We are all on the way to the 5th dimension, via the 4th.

Where are you on the scale?



Cafe Spiritualista
The Shortform

Recognizing humanity's need for spiritual growth! With the aim of personal freedom, truth, peace and happiness! Plz follow: