The World Within

In search of meaning

Anisha Shah
The Shortform
1 min readOct 21, 2023


Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Human beings are remarkable creatures. We interact with the world around us but at the same time, we have a monologue with ourselves. This constant monologue makes us do things we never could imagine and simultaneously debates the rights and wrongs of the decisions we need to make. This voice makes me tap my fingers around the keyboard and sometimes asks me to change how I put words to paper. It’s the one who in times of distress makes me remember something hopeful and in times of happiness makes me wonder the greatness of the creator. Keeps me humble and also helps me cope with different situations in life.

Sometimes I feel this voice makes us who we are and it is something which has evolved with us and will continue to so do as we age. This silent companion guides us and steers us in this walk of life.



Anisha Shah
The Shortform

Aspiring writer embarking on first writing journey. Voracious reader and a compete nerd. Honing the craft of writing through blogs, stories and poems.