They Argue So Much Because The Stakes Are So Low

Melinda "Millie" K. Dooley
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJul 29, 2022


I’ve recently found myself wanting to explain evolution to the many strangers who don’t get it, so I started writing.

The general public, it seems, thinks the Theory of Evolution is a lot less legitimate than it really is. We’ve got evidence in spades, and it makes a lot of useful predictions.

Photo by Daniil Zameshaev on Unsplash

The irony, in my opinion, is that as flimsy as people think evolution is, people also believe that “species” is a well-defined, even immutable, concept. Darwin wrote in 1859, in On The Origin of Species:

No one definition has satisfied all naturalists; yet every naturalist knows vaguely what he means when he speaks of a species.

Like a lot of that book, this quote holds up today.



Melinda "Millie" K. Dooley
The Shortform

Ms. Melinda Dooley is a lifelong educator and enthusiastic biologist, and has earned her expertise the hard way.