30 Posts in 30 Days Challenge

Things You Can Achieve in 30 Seconds

When you feel like time is slipping away from you.

Anton the Writer
The Shortform


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Inhale deeply and exhale completely three times.

Water six plants. Five seconds per plant is good. Count down.

Tie your shoes, look in the mirror, make a finger gun, and laugh at your reflection.

Drink a glass of water, wipe your lips, sigh in relief.

Read your friend’s message. Tell them you will be in touch later.

Light a match, and watch it burn. Breathe in the smell. Blow it out.

Spot someone special, smile at them. They smile back!

Count to 30 in a language you know.

Get a new idea, grab a pen, write it down.

Read a sonnet. 4 lines, 4 lines, 3 lines, 3 lines. Let it sink in.

Run 100m.

Count to 10 in the language you are learning.

Stretch. Crack your knuckles. Point your toes. Let your head rotate. Yawn.

Write down what you achieved today.

Say yes. Yes!

Read a story on Medium.



Anton the Writer
The Shortform

Senior Copywriter, film lover, plant dad and baker. Here to share thoughts & opinions on current movies and other non-fictional writing of mine. Welcome!