This will be the regret of our generation

We trade too many valuable moments for digital content.

István Darabán
The Shortform
1 min readSep 17, 2023


Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

At the end of your life, when it’s time to look back and assess, what do you think you’ll regret the most?

Many of us would recall working too much. Some wish they’d never let that special someone slip away. Others would have spent more time with family.

But as we continue living in the digital age, I believe we will express another common regret.

Consider this calculation. The average smartphone user spends between 3 and 4 hours on their phone each day. Multiplying that by 7 equals 24 hours per week. Which means:

Each week, you spend one full day on your phone.

That means you’re giving up one-seventh of your entire life to a device perfectly crafted to hijack your attention, drain your dopamine, and seduce you from meaningful work and profound human connection.

On your deathbed, that might be the biggest regret of your life.



István Darabán
The Shortform

MSc Neuroscience and Science Communication. Freelance writer covering science, philosophy, and culture. For my writing, check out