Time is Money

Kristina Segarra
The Shortform
Published in
Feb 20, 2021


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Time is money. Yet, so many people use it mindlessly.

Lost time is never gained back. We can get many things back — our friends, our lost connections, and our physical and emotional health. But one thing we can never win back is our time.

It’s a sad but true fact.

Anyone can make a habit of making wise use of their time. It’s a matter of desire and habit.

According to statistics, the younger population spends an average of 3 hours a day on social media. That’s 1,095 hours a year! That’s 45 full 24-hour days gone forever each year (that’s more than an average coma)! If the statistics stay the same, in ten years it will be 456 full 24-hour days gone or 10,950 hours down the drain.

Imagine if you could invest that time into your personal growth or family?



Kristina Segarra
The Shortform

Freelance health/wellness/self-improvement writer, musician, mom of two boys. Join my newsletter: https://self-empowerment-club.ck.page/a9d23100d4