To Know Or Not To Know…

That is the question.

Pankhuree | Kaleidostopia
The Shortform
1 min readNov 29, 2023


Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

‘The future is uncertain, cannot be predicted.’

‘You write your destiny.’

‘It’s all written (not by you).’

Such contradictory statements.

I recently got pondering these things. Why should I be working on a proposal on Wednesday afternoon that my boss wants? Why can’t I daydream about more important things?

The thing about the future is that people are uneasy when they know it and they are uneasy when they don’t.

I am well aware that the world doesn’t revolve around us because there is a perfectly hot sun to do that.

But our little world can revolve around us. Is it selfish? Our loved ones are the center of our world and essential for our survival.

If our lives affect the lives of our loved ones, it should matter.

Once we know how to deal with that, the uneasiness that comes with the uncertainty will fade.

Photo by Patricia Prudente on Unsplash

Until Next Time…




Pankhuree | Kaleidostopia
The Shortform

I write about feelings. Truth or Fallacy? Just a matter of perspective.