Top 5 Gadgets for Mindful Living in 2023 πŸŒ±πŸ”‹

Experience Mindfulness with These Innovative Devices

Arslan Mirza
The Shortform


Image by ha11ok from Pixabay

1 β€” Apollo Neuro Wearable Wellness Device 🧠

Enhance mindfulness and manage stress with this unique wearable that uses gentle vibrations to improve your body’s resilience to stress, supporting relaxation and focus.

2 β€” Muse S Brain-Sensing Headband ⌚

Track your meditation progress with real-time feedback on brain activity, guiding you toward a deeper practice.

3 β€” Spire Stone Stress Tracker πŸ’Ž

Monitor your stress levels by tracking breathing patterns and providing gentle reminders to stay calm and focused.

4 β€” HidrateSpark STEEL Smart Water Bottle πŸ’§

Stay hydrated with this intelligent water bottle that tracks your daily water intake and glows to remind you to drink more, promoting mindfulness in daily hydration habits.

5 β€” Bellabeat Leaf Nature Wellness Tracker πŸƒ

A stylish wearable that tracks sleep, activity, and reproductive health, empowering you to understand and improve your well-being.

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Arslan Mirza
The Shortform

Technical Writer | Researcher | Aggressively Unfancy | 1.5M+ views on Medium | ⚑ Support my writing by joining Medium